Monday, December 24, 2007

"Today's Man" to air on 13/WNET January 11, 2008

Today’s Man

Nicky Gottlieb was a child of extraordinary talents and odd behavior. At age 21, he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, a high functioning form of autism.TODAY'S MAN follows Nicky over the course of six years as he struggles to leave the safety of his family's home and find his own place in the world.

The Filmmakers
From filmmaker LIzzie Gottlieb:
When you meet Nicky, you might find him offensive and rude, or charming and quirky, or brilliant and adorable, or aggressively intrusive. It is my hope that this film could explain Nicky and those like him to people who might otherwise write him off, take offence or become angered by him. I would like them instead to see his humor and charm and intelligence and warmth and enthusiasm and enormous potential.
One in 160 children born today are on the autistic spectrum. That is a staggering number. There are more and more resources for children with autistic spectrum disorders, which is wonderful. But I have found that there is so little for adults. No one seems to be asking what happens to these children when they grow up. Most of the adults I know with Asperger Syndrome are living with their aging parents. Some have successful jobs, others less so. These people have such a tremendous amount to offer society. We need to create ways for their energy and intelligence to be used productively. We need to figure out living situations that work for them. I hope that my brother and this film will encourage people to find these solutions.

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