Monday, December 17, 2007

Opportunities for Youth

NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP NETWORKNational Youth Leadership Network (NYLN) is looking for new leaders! And we want you to apply to serve on our Governing Board! NYLN is a non-profit organization run by young people with disabilities. We empower all young people to reach their maximum potential. read more:

KASA'S WEBSITE IS LOOKING FOR YOUTH WHO WANT TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES. Do you write poetry, have a success at getting an accommodation at school or a job? Learn something about Voc. Rehab or a summer camp you like? Or do you have some advice to offer the rest of us on dating and relationships? KASA is always accepting written contributions to the website if you are an "expert" on or have had an experience with one of these subjects: school, work, civil rights, prevention &recovery, health, sports, leisure & recreation, dating & relationships, technology, or transportation. Write to and explain your interest.

UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH PLACEMENTS:Paid Summer 2008 Undergrad Research Placements!!!The National Science Foundation is currently seeking students to apply fortheir Research Placements. Over 600 programs -Undergraduate REU and OtherSummer Research Opportunities: See or

AAPD'S SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAMSThese PAID internships in our nation's capital are incredible opportunities for college students with disabilities to further their educations and careers with invaluable experience and contacts in politics, law, technology, and employment in D.C. All applicants must be college or university students with disabilities, enrolled in an associate's or bachelor's degree program, when they begin the internship program. More information can be found at
DEADLINE: December 14,

2007CAPTAIN PLANET FOUNDATION ENVIRONMENTAL GRANTSThe Captain Planet Foundation funds hands-on environmental projects to encourage youth around the world to work individually and collectively to solve environmental problems in their neighborhoods and communities. Maximum Award: $2,500. For more information go to 31, 2007.

C-SPAN StudentCamC-SPAN StudentCam is an annual documentary competition that encourages students to think seriously about issues that affect our communities and our nation. C-SPAN StudentCam invites students to identify a current political topic of interest and produce a short (up to ten minute) video documentary which creatively explores an issue while integrating C-SPAN programming. The competition is open to students in grades 6 - 12. For more information go to DEADLINE: Dec 31, 2007

SMART KIDS WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARDNominations for the fourth annual Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities Youth Achievement Award are due January 31, 2008. This year's $1,000.00 award recognizes the great strengths of young people with LD and/or ADHD. The award will be given to a student (high school or younger) with documented learning disabilities and/or ADHD who has demonstrated initiative, talent and determination resulting in a notable accomplishment in any field-including art, science, math athletics, or community service. Honorable mentions will also be awarded. More information can be found at DEADLINE: January 31, 2008

INTERNATIONAL YOUNG ECO-HERO AWARDSThe Action for Nature International Young Eco-Hero Awards recognize the individual accomplishments of young people whose personal actions significantly improve the environment. Maximum Award: $500. Eligibility: youths aged 8-16. February 28,

2008STUDENT POSTER COMPETITIONThe Eighth Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability conference is seeking undergraduate and graduate student research; performance, writing, visual art; or applied and community service projects for a poster session and reception on Tuesday April 22, 2008. Please visit: for more information on the conference. Posters that relate to this year's conference themes "looking back and thinking ahead" will be given preference in the review process.DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: March 21, 2008:

LEMELSON-MIT INVENTEAMS GRANTSLemelson-MIT InvenTeams Grants foster inventiveness among high school students. InvenTeams composed of high school students, teachers and mentors are asked to collaboratively identify a problem that they want to solve, research the problem and develop a prototype invention as an in-class or extracurricular project. Maximum Award: $10,000 For more information go to April 25, 2008.

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