This is an index to the Regulations. It may be a help when researchingcertain topics. It will also be available on the AHA yahoo website for reference.Regulations of the Commissioner of EducationParts 200 and 201Relating to the Education of Students with DisabilitiesOctober 2007INDEXPART 200 -
Section PageAbuse, prevention of, students in residential placement200.15 152Academic achievement, functional performance and learning characteristics200.1(ww)(3)(i)(a) 12Accounting requirements for approved programs200.9(d) 126Adaptive behavior200.1(a) 1Adapted physical education200.1(b) 1Admission to public schools of students residing in institutions200.11 146Aging out200.4(i) 60Alternative format materials200.2(b)(10), 200.2(i) 22, 31Amendments to the IEP200.4(g) 58Annual review200.1(c); 200.16(g) 1, 164200.4(f) 57Appeal to a State review officer200.5(k) 88Approval of services200.2(d) 26Approval of orders of the Family Court200.8(a) 121Approved private school200.1(d) 1Assistive technology device200.1(e) 1Assistive technology service200.1(f) 1Autism200.1(zz)(1) 13Autism, educational programs for students with200.13 149Aversive Intervention200.1(lll); 200.7(b)(8) 18, 112Aversive Intervention - child-specific exception to use200.22(e) 189Aversive Intervention - program standards200.22(f) 191Behavioral Intervention Plan200.1(mmm); 200.22(b) 18, 185Behavioral Interventions - program standards200.22 184Blind, deaf, & severely physically disturbed students - appointment to200.7(d) 114State-operated and State-supported schoolsBoard of education responsibilities200.2 18Board policy200.2(b) 20Business day200.1(n)(2) 3Census and register of students with disabilities200.2(a)(1) 18Change in program200.1(g) 2Change in placement200.1(h) 2Class size200.1(i) 2Close-down period procedures - private programs200.9(g) 143Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)200.1(j), 200.3 2, 32Committee on Special Education (CSE)200.1(k), 200.3 2, 32Complaint procedures200.5(l) 88Confidentiality of personally identifiable data200.5(e) 73Consent200.1(l); 200.5(b) 2, 68Consultant teacher services200.1(m); 200.6(d) 3, 96Continuum of Services200.6; 200.16(i) 94, 167Continuum of Services - co-teaching200.6(g) 98Data Collection200.2(a)(3) 19Data Reporting200.2(a)(4) 19Data Requirements200.2(a)(2) 19Days200.1(n) 3Day treatment programs certified by office of Mental Health200.14 150Deafness200.1(zz)(2) 14Deaf-blindness200.1(zz)(3) 14Declassification200.4(d)(1)(iii) 46Direct consultant teacher services200.1(m)(1); 200.6(d)(2) 3, 96 District plans200.2 (c); 24Due process complaint notification requirements200.5(i) 78Due process procedures200.5 66Educational programs for preschool students w/disabilities200.16 158Educational programs for students with autism200.13 149Eligibility determinations200.4(c) 45 Eligibility of students w/disabilities - day treatment200.14(b) 150Eligibility - preschool200.16(a) 158Emergency Interventions200.22(d) 188Emotional disturbance200.1(zz)(4) 14Evaluation - preschool200.16(c) 159Extracurricular participation200.2(b)(1) 21Financial reporting requirements for approved programs200.9(e) 127Fiscal year200.1(o) 3Fiscal audits200.18 174Full-day preschool program200.1(p) 3Full-day session200.1(q) 4Functional behavioral assessment200.1(r) 4General curriculum200.1(t) 4Group instruction200.1(ww)(3)(ii) 13Grouping for instruction - day treatment200.14(f) 151Guardian ad litem200.1(s) 4Half-day preschool program200.1(u) 4Half-day session200.1(v) 4Hearing impairment200.1(zz)(5) 14Highly qualified personnel200.2(i)(2) 32Home and hospital instruction200.1(w); 200.6(i) 4, 101Homeless youth200.1(hhh) 17IEP components200.4(d)(2) 46IEP implementation200.4(e) 53Impartial due process hearings200.5(i) 80Impartial hearing officer200.1(x) 5Impartial hearing officer rates200.21(a) 183Impartial hearing officer - suspension/revocation of certification200.21(b) 183Independent evaluation200.1(z); 200.5(g) 6, 75Independent evaluation - preschool200.16(d)(3) 160Independent education evaluations200.5(g) 75Indirect consultant teacher services200.1(m)(2) 3Individual evaluation200.1(aa); 200.4(b); 6, 39 200.16(c) 159Individual evaluation - day treatment programs200.14(c) 151Individualized education program (IEP)200.1(y); 200.4(d)(2) 6, 46Individualized education program (IEP) - preschool200.16(e)(3) 161Individual psychological evaluation200.1(bb) 6Ineligible200.4(d)(1) 46Interim Alternative Education Setting (IAES)200.6(n) 108Interpreting services200.1(nnn) 18Justification for proposed expenditures for State aid200.10(a-n) 144Learning disability200.1(zz)(6) 15Learning disabilities - additional procedures for identifying200.4(j) 63Least restrictive environment (LRE)200.1(cc) 7Levels of service200.6 (l) 108Limited English proficient student200.1(iii) 17Maintenance of lists200.2(e) 26Management needs200.1(ww)(3)(i)(d) 13Mediation200.5(h) 76Mediator200.1(dd) 7Medical services200.1(ee) 7Meeting notice200.5(c) 71Mental retardation200.1(zz)(7) 15Multiple disabilities200.1(zz)(8) 15Native language200.1(ff) 7Notice of closing, transfer of ownership, voluntary termination - privateschools 200.7(e) 121Notice of meetings200.5(c) 71Occupational therapy200.1(gg) 8Operation & administration of private schools & State-operated200.7 (b) 111& State-supported schoolsOperational & administrative provisions-private schools200.7(c) 113Orthopedic impairment200.1(zz)(9) 15Other health impairment200.1(zz)(10) 15Parent200.1(ii) 8Parent counseling & training200.1(kk); 200.6(h)(8); 8, 101200.13(d); 150 Parent participation in CSE meetings200.5(d) 72Participating agency200.1(jj) 8Pendency (Pending placement)200.4(e)(4); 56200.16(h)(3)(i) 165 Prevention of abuse - residential placements200.15 152Physical development200.1(ww)(3)(i) (c) 13Physical therapy200.1(ll) 9Preschool program200.1(nn); 200.16 10, 158Preschool program-approval, operation, and administration of200.20 176Preschool - provision of service200.16(e) 163Preschool student with a disability200.1(mm) 9Prior notice200.1(oo); 200.5(a) 10, 66Private Schools - approval200.7(a) 109Private schools, in-state or out-of-state200.6(i) 102Private/state-operated or -supported schools - standards200.7 109Procedural due process - preschool200.16(h) 165Procedural safeguards notice200.5(f) 74Procedures for referral, evaluation, individualized education program (IEP)200.4 36development, placement, and reviewProfessional Development Plan200.2(h) 31Program Standards for education programs - private200.7 109schools and State-operated or -supported schoolsRange of achievement in special class200.6(h)(7) 101Recommendation (IEP)200.4(d) 46Recommendation (IEP) - day treatment200.14(d) 151Recommendation (IEP) - preschool200.16(e) 161Referral200.4(a) 36Referral - preschool students200.16(b) 158Regular education teacher200.1(pp) 10Reimbursement - public school district administrative costs & due200.17 171process costsReimbursement rates for approved programs200.9(f) 130Reimbursement to certain state-operated and state-supported200.10 144schools for blind, deaf and severely disabledReimbursement to preschool programs200.19 176Related services200.1(qq); 200.6(e) 11, 96Requests for information to the CSE from Family Court, probation, etc.200.4(h) 59Residential school200.4(d)(4)(b) 52Resource room programs200.1(rr); 200.6(f) 11, 97Responsibility of BOE contracting with another BOE200.2(f) 27Responsibility of boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES)200.2(i) 31Responsibility of BOCES for special education space requirement plans200.2(g) 27School day200.1(n)(1) 3School health services200.1(ss) 11Similarity of need200.6(a)(3) 94Social development200.1(ww)(i)(b) 12Social history200.1(tt) 13Special classes200.1(uu); 200.6(g) 12, 98Special education200.1(ww) 12Special education provider200.1(xx) 13Special education space requirement plans200.2(g) 27Special education teacher200.1(yy) 13Special factors (consideration of)200.4(d)(3) 51Specially-designed instruction200.1(vv) 12Speech-impairment200.1(zz)(11) 15Staffing requirements200.6(b) 95State assistance for instruction of students with disabilities200.8 121State assistance for transportation of students w/disabilities200.12 148State complaint procedures200.5(l) 88State-operated and supported schools - standards for educational programs200.7 109Student progress reports - day treatment200.14(e) 151Student's status during proceedings - see also pendency200.5(m) 91Student with a disability200.1(zz) 13Subcommittee200.3(c);200.4(e)(2)(ii) 34, 54Submission of claims200.8(c) 122Substantial regression200.1(aaa) 16Supplementary aids and services200.1(bbb) 16Supplementary School Personnel200.1(hh) 8 Surrogate parent200.1(ccc); 200.5(n) 16, 92Tests & assessment procedures200.4(b)(6)(i) 42Timeline - IEP implementation200.4(e) 53Transition services200.1(fff);200.4(d)(2)(ix) 17, 50Transitional support services200.1(ddd); 200.6(c) 16, 96Transportation, state assistance200.12 148Traumatic brain injury200.1(zz)(12) 15Travel training200.1(ggg) 17Tuition - definitions200.9(a) 124Tuition rates200.9 124Twelve-month special service and/or program200.1(eee); 200.6(k) 16, 106Universal design200.1(jjj) 17Use of time-out rooms200.22 (c) 186Visual impairment200.1(zz)(13) 16Waiver200.6(l) 107Ward of the State200.1(kkk) 18Withdrawing a referral200.4(a)(7) 38Written notice - upon graduation or aging out200.4(i) 60Written policy200.2(b) 20PART 201 PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIESSUBJECT TO DISCIPLINESection PageBehavioral intervention plan201.2(a) 197Change in placement - IHO authority201.8 205Change in placement - involving weapons, Illegal drugs or controlledsubstances 201.7(e) 204Committee on Special Education or CSE201.2(b) 197Controlled substance201.2(c) 197Coordination w/superintendent's hearing and other due process201.9 206procedures applicable to all studentsCSE responsibilities for expedited evaluations201.6 203CSE responsibilities for functional behavioral assessments &201.3 200intervention plansDefinitions201.2 197 Day (Calendar)201.2(d) 197Determination (manifestation)201.4(d) 201Deficiencies in IEP or Placement (manifestation)201.4(e) 201Disciplinary change in placement201.2(e) 198Discipline for students presumed to have a disability201.5 201Exception for pattern of suspensions or removals201.7(d) 204Expedited due process hearing201.2(f); 201.11 198, 209Expedited evaluation201.2(g) 198Five school day suspension or removal201.7(b) 200Functional behavioral assessment201.2(h) 198General procedures for suspensions/removals of students201.7 203w/disabilitiesGeneral requirement for manifestation review.201.4(a) 200Illegal drug201.2(i) 198Impartial hearing officer201.2(j) 198Individuals to carry out review (manifestation)201.4(b) 201Interim alternative educational setting or IAES201.2(k); 201.8(a) 199, 205Initial requirement to conduct assessment & develop plan or to201.3(a) 200review existing planManifestation determination201.4 200Parental notice of disciplinary removal201.7(a) 203Provision of services during suspensions201.10 208Purpose201.1 197Removal201.2(l) 199Removals other than suspensions201.9(b) 206Serious bodily injury201.2(m) 199Students presumed to have a disability for discipline purposes201.2(n); 201.5 199, 201Student with a disability201.2(o) 199Superintendent or superintendent of schools201.2(p) 199Superintendent's hearing201.2(q) 199Suspension201.2(r); 201.7; 200, 203201.9(a) & (c) 206Suspensions - provisions of services during201.10 208Ten school day suspension or removal201.7(c) 204Weapon201.2(s) 200
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