Monday, March 23, 2009

Make a Difference! Come to First Ever Autism Advocacy and Lobbying Day in Albany, Tuesday, 3/24

New Yorkers, come to the first ever autism advocacy and lobbying day in Albany on Tuesday, March 24th. If we don't speak up we can't be heard. Albany needs to hear your voice.

The threat to our children posed by the Governor's budget is real, but the opportunities created by our advocacy are real too.

Stop the sweeping budget cuts proposed for early invention, special education pre-school, and special education

Pass real health insurance reform for people with autism. We pay our premiums and it is long overdue for our children to receive the healthcare they need.

Pass vaccine rights legislation. Three bills are pending that would assure informed consent rights and give vaccine choice to the people of New York, including a philosophical exemption to vaccine mandates.

Make a difference and come to the first autism advocacy day in Albany!

Bus leaving from Roosevelt Field 6:30 am and returning at approximately 6:30 pm. Click Here to register, only $30.

Make appointments with your State Senator and Assemblymember before hand. If you need help contact John Gilmore at or call (516) 933-4050.

RSVP to Lisa Rudley at


10:30 Gather at the East Steps of the Capitol for a rally, information, speeches from friends in the legislator, including Assemblymembers Harvey Weisenberg and Mark Schroeder.

12:00 Meet with legislators

This event has been endorsed by the following organizations, Autism Action Network, Autism One, Autism Society of America-Albany Chapter, Autism Society of America-Bronx Chapter, Autism Society of America-Nassau/Suffolk Chapter, Autism Speaks, Autism United, Autism United-Westchester, Foundation for Autism Research and Media, Generation Rescue, National Autism Association NYC Chapter, SAFEMINDS, Schafer Autism Report, Talk About Curing Autism, Unlocking Autism.

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