Kulanu senior, Yigal Rosengarten was among the 15 individuals given Awards for Devotion and Commitment in Action at a ceremony at Temple Hillel on Thursday night, May 14th, 2009. What has been termed “The Baco Boys Award” was established by the Five Towns Jewish Council in the memory of four teenage Camp Baco counselors: David Altschuler, Adam Cohen, Jonah Richman, and Jordan Satin, who drowned while heroically attempting to save each other in the rain-swollen Boquet River.
The Five Towns Jewish Council acknowledges their untimely passing and promotes the qualities of selfless service to humanity by annually presenting The Award for Devotion and Commitment in Action to local students.
In nominating Yigal, the Kulanu faculty noted his participation in Tomchei Shabbos, delivering food to the needy before Shabbos and his participation in the Kulanu Fair where he is instrumental during early morning set-up, working a full day and assisting in clean up at the end of this annual event. Mr. Michael Trotta, the school coordinator and Mrs. Melissa Sornik, social worker, noted that Yigal’s demonstration of chesed on a daily basis was the over-riding reason for his nomination. During the school day, Yigal is known to intercede in classmates interactions, ensuring that the “under-dog” is fairly represented.
The administrators and faculty members of Kulanu are proud to acknowledge Yigal’s accomplishments and wish him a hearty Yasher Koach.
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