Monday, April 14, 2008

Attention Employers! The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities is ready NOW

With Thanks to Monica Moshenko of DisAbility Radio -

Neil Romano, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, DisabilityEmployment PolicyWorkforce Recruitment Program (WRP)Attention Employers! The Workforce Recruitment Program for College Studentswith Disabilities is ready NOW to help you fill your summer and permanenthiring needs with talented and gifted college students with disabilities.Currently there are 2000 students waiting to hear from employers across thenation on the WRP database. Assistant Secretary Romano explains thisexciting new initiative out coordinated by the Office of DisabilityEmployment Policy (ODEP) and the U.S. Department of Defense. The WRP is oneof many federal programs being offered through ODEP to foster gainfulemployment of students and adults with disabilities. Tap into WRP and youwill be tapping into employees with disabilities that will make a positiveimpact in your business - your workforce and our community will be betterfor it! In December 2007, Mr. Romano was nominated and appointed by Senateconfirmation as Assistant Secretary of Labor in charge of EmploymentDisability Policy. Mr. Romano is considered among the nation's leadingauthorities in the field of media and public advocacy. Assistant SecretaryRomano is already making a difference at ODEP for thousands. <> .

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