Monday, April 14, 2008

Audio Conference: There Are No IEP's In College - Tues. April 15, 2008 1-2:30pm CST - AND MORE

REFERENCE POINTS is an activity of TATRA, a project of PACER CenterREFERENCE POINTS: Conference and Workshop Updates Added to the TATRAWebsiteREFERENCE POINTS is an activity of TATRA, a project of PACER CenterREFERENCE POINTS Conference and workshop updates feature NEW additionsto the listing of transition related national and regional conferencesmaintained on PACER Center's TATRA Project web site. To see our completecalendar of events, please visit us at* (see below)APRIL 15, 2008 "THERE ARE NO IEP's IN COLLEGE" AUDIO CONFERENCE, 1:00 -2:30 PM CST Sponsored by the DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers. Formore information go to 15, 2008 "MANY VOICES ONE VOTE!" WEB CAST, 8:00 PM E.T.Sponsored by the National Youth Leadership Network and ILRU. For moreinformation go to . APRIL 16, 2008 "MEDICAID WAIVERS: A TOOL FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT" WEB CAST,2:00 - 2:45 P.M.Sponsored by VCRU. For more information go to ***APRIL 23 - 25, 2008 "GREAT PRACTICES, GREAT RESULTS" NCSAB 2008 SPRINGCONFERENCE Hosted by the National Council of State Agencies for theBlind and held in Bethesda, MD. For more information go to 24, 2008 GovBenefits 6TH ANNIVERSAY WEBCAST, 1:30 P.M. ESTSponsored by GovBenefits. For more information go to JUNE 4 - 7, 2008 "NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL HEALTH" MENTAL HEALTH AMERICA2008 CONFERENCE Sponsored by Mental Health America and held inWashington, DC. For more information go to JUNE 5 - 6, 2008 NATIONAL WORKSHOP: PERSONAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES FORSTUDENTS WITH SEVERE PHYSICAL DISABILITIES Hosted by Midwest Alliance inScience, Tech., Engineering, and Mathematics and held inUrbana-Champaign, IL. For more information go to 18 - 19, 2008 "MENTORING-THE MAGIC OF CONNECTIONS" NATIONALMENTORING SUMMIT Sponsored by the California Mentor Foundation and theEvelyn Freed Mentor Center and held in Anaheim, CA. For more informationgo to NOV 14 - 16, 2008 "LEARNING TODAY, LEADING TOMORROW" 2008 CONFERENCE OFTHE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED STUDENTS Sponsored by NEADS andheld in Ottawa, Ontario. For more information go to 3 - 6, 2008 "SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE 21ST CENTURY" 33RD ANNUAL TASHCONFERENCE Sponsored by TASH and held in Nashville, TN. For moreinformation go to 5 - 7, 2008 "PERSPECTIVES ON EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIESIN THE FEDERAL SECTOR"Sponsored by eight federal departments and held in Bethesda, MD. Formore information go to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **REFERENCE POINTS is administered by PACER Center asa technical assistance activity of the TATRA Project. The TATRA Projectis funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration.To SUBSCRIBE to REFERENCE POINTS go to UNSUBSCRIBE, please go directly to are invited to send information about new resources on secondaryeducation, transition and vocational rehabilitation topics Points received initial support from the National Center onSecondary Education and Transition Visit theirweb site for a wealth of information related to secondary education andtransition for youth with disabilities.Note: There are no copyright restrictions on this document. However,please credit the source and support of federal funds when copying allor part of this material.Audioconference: There are no IEP's in College **Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008Time: 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. CSTWhere:Online/Web-basedSponsored By:Collaborative project of the DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers withfunding from NIDRR.Description:Transitioning from high school to college is tough enough; for studentswith disabilities who may not know their rights and responsibilitiesunder federal law, the experience can be even tougher. This presentationwill compare the rights and responsibilities of students withdisabilities in high school and in college. By understanding thedifferences, students, parents, teachers, counselors, service providers,and administrators can be better prepared and increase student's chancesof graduating.Registration:Deadline to Register - April 14, 2008 The fee for each 90-minute audioconference is based on profit status.* Non-Profit Entities * Single Audioconference: Session $25; Real-time Captioning orStreaming Audio $15 * Full Series: Sessions $240; Real-time Captioning or Streaming Audio$120 * For-Profit Entities * Single Audioconference: Session $40; Real-time Captioning orStreaming Audio $25; * Full Series: Sessions $420; Real-time Captioning or Streaming Audio$240 Note: Until the fee is paid, registration is not guaranteed orconfirmed; the deadline for registration and fee payment is 24 hoursprior to the scheduled date of the audioconference.Register for Audioconference <> orview more information on Prices, Registration and Cancellation Policy<> For More Information:DBTAC National Network of ADA CentersPhone: 800-949-4232 (v/tty) or 312-413-1407 (v/tty) Fax: 312-413-1856 Web: www.ada-audio.orgMedicaid Waivers: A Tool for Self-Employment ****Presenter: Molly SullivanDate: April 16, 2008A critical step in the business planning process is identifying thesupport services that business owners will need to assure success inimplementing and maintaining their businesses. For people who areenrolled in and using the services provided through a Medicaid Home andCommunity Based Services Waiver, there are unique opportunities forfunding some of the disability specific support services. This livewebcast will provide some examples of how waivers can and cannot be usedin supporting a business owner with a disability. Tips for how toincorporate waiver services in the business resource plan will beprovided as well as tips on how to learn more about the specific waiverprograms in each participant's state.Individual Access to Single Webcast: $50 Includes access to the selected webcast for one individual.

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